ILUMINARCHTE March 15, 2024

Passionate about lighting, Santos Iluminación and the College of Architects of León, we have enjoyed the LUXINTEC facilities, discovering and experimenting about the importance of light in people’s lives.
The different lighting solutions designed and manufactured by LUXINTEC demonstrated how you can transform a space with light and achieve an effective, efficient and sustainable performance of activities.
If you want or know someone who wants to improve their lighting projects by attending ILUMINARCHTE events at LUXINTEC, you can send a request to and learn:
- What daylighting is really like and what to do to create it in indoor spaces.
- That the world you see is not what it seems.
- How using half the energy you use can make you see twice as well.
- Why quality lighting is better than quantity.
- How lighting can make us more productive.
- The difference between lighting and glare.
- What types of lighting cause damage to your visual system.
- What you can specify in lighting to help maintain natural resources.
- What low value is high expense.
We hope to see you soon!